OlympicLGNikon...andmany more!

We have not yet found a TV our remote will not work on. In a rare even thatit will
not work on your TV, we will refund your money no questions asked.

Retail Price: $19.95

Our Price: $9.95

Your TV Remote will be shipped same day orderis placed
International and overnight shipping also available

Visa & Mastercard accepted
If you would rather pay with check, money order, or cash, pleaseclick here

If you havealready purchased a remote from the store, and you have
lost your universal remote code, here are some helpful codes for you.

RCAUniversal CodeSharpUniversal CodeZenithUniversal Code
PhilipsMagnavox Universal CodeSonyUniversal CodePanasonicUniversal Code

Philips Universal Remote Clo32 Codes

Philips Magnavox Universal Remote Code - P.O. Box 197 - Morrow, Ohio 45152